My name is Kevin Emmons and I am druid priest and Maine native here in the States. I am the founder of the Druid College. I turn 54 this May.

I have been actively practicing Nature-based spirituality for going on thirty years. My pagan studies began in earnest in 1990, completing a year-long apprenticeship in shamanism studying cross-cultural shamanic traditions including Peruvian, Japanese, Hawaiian and Native American teachings. In the mid-nineties I began exploring the European pagan spiritual traditions which has led me to my life path, Druidry. I am a student and colleague of Emma Restall Orr, having been working with her since 1999 and completing her year-long Living Druidry course in the Cotswolds in 2006. I refer to my craft as Animistic Druidry or Mud and Blood Druidry. I am actively involved with pagan prison ministry. Besides teaching workshops and mentoring students, I’ve worked publicly leading ritual, giving lectures and radio interviews to share my vision of Druidry. The Druid College opened in November of 2013.

Some of my other interests include music, playing guitar, photography, poetry, writing, natural building and timber framing,  local sustainable living and Permaculture. My passions are exploring consciousness, adventuring in Nature, working with the gods, ritual and crafting the sacred relationships that bring Awen. I am happily married to my succulent wild-woman wife of 24 years. Together we live in the valley of the Saco River in Buxton, Maine. My prayer is equality and peace.

Rivers of Awen,
Kevin /|\

4 Responses

  1. on April 9, 2009 at 7:49 am | Reply Mokita Spirit Glade (jean wilson)

    Hi Kevin “Snowhawke”,
    Thank you for sharing your blog with me, well done you have accomplished it. I love to see something materialise that someone has aimed for, and this is great.
    Your piece about the “tribe” has given me food for thought.
    Hope all is well in Maine.
    Mokita Spirit Glade
    Oakwise Prison Ministry, UK

  2. Hello, Kevin!

    Quite by chance, I stumbled across your web log, and must say I very much admire the profound sense of spirituality that comes across so strongly to me through your writing. At eighty-four, I am very new to the internet (about eight months now). I am very much enjoying your approach of wisdom combined with introspection, and, though I have a different take on some of what you say (very common in Druidry), I recognize, and see in you a kindred spirit. I am looking forward to reading what you have already written, and what you have yet to write. See you on the Path!

    Love and Light to you, and yours, Guenn Eona Nimue

  3. Good blog, Kevin – and good to run into you again!

  4. Hello Kevin,

    Thank you for this blog. I’ve discovered it at a time where I have been wanting to learn more about animism and druidism while at the same time coming to terms with how my lack of Christian faith creates a gap between my family and I. Your wisdom and thoughts are comforting to me as they finally feel like something I can genuinely connect with on a spiritual level.

    Hope this finds you well.

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