
Archive for July, 2011

I had a recent email exchange with someone and I wrote about the nature of Awen. I think what I wrote stands up and I thought to share it with you.  Here it is with a few edits :>)

Awen is the life energy and it flows between two souls when they open to each other. Awen is that which flows between the poet and the muse, between the rain and wet stones, the sunlight and the leaves, between the mother and her child, between the wood and the fire and the hearth, between the dancer and the music. When we feel this flow of energy, we are filled with inspiration and it fuels our creativity. And our creativity isn’t just art or poetry. It is how we live our lives and how we express ourselves. It is our way of being in the world. And through this expression, we complete a cycle.

We gift our creativity to the world, hopefully inspiring others, fueling their creativity. It is in this way we change the world for the better. This seeking and sharing of inspiration is the very essence of Druidry. Creativity, fueled by inspiration that comes from soul deep relationship based on honor and consciousness – now that is a spiritual path I want to follow!

Blessings of soul touching soul,
Snowhawke /|\

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